Q. How many images will we receive when we hire Laibel Schwartz Photography, Inc. for our wedding?
A. The number of images you’ll receive of your wedding will vary greatly depending on many factors. On average, you’ll have somewhere around 700-900, though there may sometimes be more or less.
Q. What determines the number images you receive?
A. The length of your wedding, the number of guests, and the “extras” that some people have (and some people don’t) such as cake cutting, speeches, father/daughter and mother/son dance, etc.
Q. Do you deliver every image that you take?
A. What we deliver to our clients is the culmination of our photographic perspective of your wedding. We do everything we can to capture the emotions filling the room, the details that you put so much time and effort into planning, the moments that you want to forever remember, the look of seeing each other as husband and wife for the first time…and so much more. It is important to us that we give you everything that documents your day, leaving out the images where people blinked, faces blurred because someone moved too quickly, or our flash didn’t fire. We know every moment is precious to you, and we work hard to deliver everything you’re looking for. Feel that something’s missing? Well, you know we tried.
Be honest. Would you hang up a portrait in which your sister’s eyes are closed?
Since any post without an image might feel a little lonely, I’ve attached one of our favorite family portraits below. Yep, right outside the Jerusalem old city walls…
