It was a close game last night, as we shot each move of every player…waiting to see the outcome. All of a sudden it’s the end of the seventh inning with the opposing team up to bat, with two outs and two strikes on the batter at home plate. Wait, get ready, go! go! We’ve won! The male part of our crew ran into the field to catch the excitement that built up in those boys, game after game as they got closer the the championship. Here is a sneak preview of the images, which we hope to post to our Client Access page later this week. The images will be available for purchase directly through our website once they’re up. Please stay posted for more information on the video, which will be available for purchase as well.
Good game guys!

Note: We are currently editing the images and loading them onto our Client Access page. Please be patient while they upload, it will happen soon iy”H. Thanks!