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Seeking Advice in Marriage | Wedding Tip Tuesday

I was recently with a couple while photographing them on their wedding day. As we were starting their couple portraits, I directed them for posing using “your wife”, and “your husband”. She was so giddy, and said to me, “My husband. I don’t feel married yet! When will we feel married?” It stuck with me because she’s right. Standing there taking photographs together during an event called a wedding (which they both agreed was flying by), they must have just felt like two people who have chosen to spend time together. Earlier in the day, she asked me how long we have been married, and if I have any marriage advice. While I didn’t want to start rattling off random subjects of a marriage there in her hotel room, I did start to think, and I told her “of course”. 

What I think she did right more than anything, was ask. I may or may not have good advice, but a wise person will gather all the information they can get, without making judgements about who might know better than you. Wisdom can come from anyone, and chazal say that the wisest of people are those who seek knowledge from everywhere. 

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